Get Involved

If you believe historical artifacts and structures are essential to the fabric of our cultural history, we invite you to join us. Whether you donate, volunteer, join an event, or suggest a new site for restoration, your involvement is critical to helping us reach our mission.


We sincerely appreciate every donation, monetary or otherwise. While every dollar helps save history, gifts of historical documents, artifacts, and structures are also enormously important to fulfilling our mission.

We welcome volunteers from all walks of life with a wide range of experiences. Whether you work onsite at one of our beautiful historic properties or keep things running behind the scenes, your help makes it all happen.

Is there a historic site or property in your community you would like to see preserved? We want to hear about it! Contact us and tell us more about a piece of history you want to save for the next generation.


At Oare Rover, we believe in the power of community. We strive to bring people together in many ways - including events! Interested in hosting an event at an Oare Rover property or curious about events we’re attending? Click to learn more.